
Backseat Driver

Sometimes it would be very nice to sit in the back seat; when you are really tired, this is the perfect time! Atticus played all day long and was the biggest handful he has been for a while! At 7:42 pm, on our ride home from Grandma Sugar's house, Atticus hit lights out. The poor boy had pudding on his face and scuffed knees from his adventures in the yard. His head rolled from left to right to front and back again as I tried to manuver lightly in the I-15 construction by our house. He didn't care how fast I was going or how bad of a driver I was; as long as he got to sleep, he was content!


Robin said...

baby atti is getting so big! I miss you guys. I never knew that you had a blog spot now I can follow you.

Sharon Rummler said...

He is just so adorable!! It was wonderful seeing all of you in San Diego!!