
Backseat Driver

Sometimes it would be very nice to sit in the back seat; when you are really tired, this is the perfect time! Atticus played all day long and was the biggest handful he has been for a while! At 7:42 pm, on our ride home from Grandma Sugar's house, Atticus hit lights out. The poor boy had pudding on his face and scuffed knees from his adventures in the yard. His head rolled from left to right to front and back again as I tried to manuver lightly in the I-15 construction by our house. He didn't care how fast I was going or how bad of a driver I was; as long as he got to sleep, he was content!


Little toes
climb up the stairs,
jump on the bed;
they laugh a toothy grin.
Rosy cheeks rise
and out comes a squeal of glee.

Little toes
fast asleep

Little toes
The day goes on....


Little toes
make their way across
every possible surface in my house.
They go fast........
Then slow........
Then none.

Little toes
give me a run for my money;
I should only weigh 90 pounds by now....

Little toes
Light my life like the sun,
Warm my heart like Christmas,
Make me smile like love,
Give me joy like chocolate.

I can't say enough how much I adore those little toes!


Bubble Bath!!

This on is pretty self explainitory; Atti loves playing in his bubble bath!


Mr. Atticus is pure boy! He has pointed out bugs to me every now and then on our walks, but last week we hit the bug jackpot!

These are the ants that Atticus and I found on our walk at grandma Sugar's house last week. They were busy going all over the place and Atticus couldn't help but touching them and squashing them. Gross!

Atti discovers that there are lots and lots of "ugs" as he calls them! He has no shame in walking all over them and even putting his ear to the ground to get a better look!

Atti loves to look at the bugs and points them out everywhere we go! Here he is posing next to them, proud of his wonderful find!


Finally Finished!!

I started a rag quilt for Atti about two or three months ago...and just finished it this morning! It is not square, although it is supposed to be, but it will keep my little baby warm!

I tried to get Atticus to sit on it for a photo op, but he wanted to touch the camera lense instead! Oh well, maybe next time!

A special thanks to Emilee for inspiring me, Amy for helping me shop, measure, and cut my fabric (not to mention the great ironing job she did!), Mom for giving me a sewing machine and other supplies, Nana for her words of encouragement when I had given up, and Elliot for funding the fabric purchase, cleaning up after me on several occasions, and getting blisters on the tips of his fingers in the final stages of cutting edges! I appreciate you all!


Mr. Coffee

Atticus has decided that he like to blow bubbles in my cold coffee. This morning he was pretty upset that I wouldn't let him hold the half full cup by himself. Then I drank all the coffee and he was even more upset!

Atticus happily playing with my empty mug an hour after I finished it off without sharing with him - I am such a mean mom!


For the last week or so I have not had a camera to take any darling pictures of Atti! I apologize for the shortage of posts - especially to you Nana - who has been on me to add. I will update today, and put a few pictures and videos that I captured this morning!
